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Bivakzone: Wereldboom  - Horebeke



Bivakzone Wereldboom  is een privé-bivakzone van Raoul D'Hoossche, gerealiseerd ism de Oost-Vlaamse Bosgroep (afdeling Vlaamse Ardennen - Dender) en met de steun van het Europees Landbouwfonds voor Plattelandsontwikkeling. 


This privately owned nature bivouac area welcomes you all year round. Max 10 people, 3 small tents. You can stay up to 48 hrs (2 nights). A bivouac area should not be confused with a small camping, rules are different and comfort facilities limited or non-existent. No reservation or registration necessary. Hand water pump (water non-potable), toilet. Campfire not allowed. Access forbidden for any motorized vehicle, only on foot or by bicycle. Lots of waymarked walking and cycle trails in the area. Enjoy your short stay. Leave no trace, just your footsteps.