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Aire de Bivouac de la Soor - Baelen / Eupen

Biwakplatz Soor / Bivakzone Soor


Bivakzone Soor is in beheer door het Département de la Nature et des Forêts (DNF) van kanton Verviers.
Respecteer de gastvrijheid die de boswachters je aanbieden, wie zich niet houdt aan de toegangs- en verblijfsafspraken kan worden beboet en verwijderd, er is regelmatig controle.

Deze bivakzone is enkel toegankelijk voor wie zich te voet of per fiets verplaatst, niet voor gemotoriseerde bezoekers, je mag er één nacht verblijven (tussen 18 u en 9 u). Houtvuur aanmaken is niet toegelaten.



This officially recognized bivouac area is managed by the Walloon Agency for Nature and Forests (DNF). It's located in one of the most extended forests in Belgium, the Hertogenwald near Eupen, at the foot of the Plateau des Hautes-Fagnes and at the confluence of the rivers Soor and Hill. Accessible all year round except on a couple of days during the hunting season (october – december). Reservation compulsory. Free stay. Go – camp – go. You can stay one night and no occupation or tents during the day. There is a small shelter nearby, primarily intended for walkers passing by. You are expected to use your own tent for sleeping, not the shelter. A bivouac area should not be confused with a small camping, rules are different, comfort facilities limited or non-existent and you are personally responsible to keep the area spotlessly clean and quiet during your short stay. Strictly forbidden for any motorized vehicle, access only on foot or by bike. No toilet, no water pump but there are the two rivers. Campfire not allowed! Respect nature, silence and other campers’ rest. This bivouac area can be busy, avoid nice weather weekends and holiday periods if you prefer a quiet stay. Violation of rules in force can be subject to legal prosecution or a penalty. Lots of waymarked walking and cycle trails in the area. Enjoy your short stay in the Ardennes nature. Leave no trace, just your footsteps.