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Assenede - Eeklo - Knesselare - Lievegem - Kleit

  5 bivaklocaties



Deze bivakzones in het Oost-Vlaamse Meetjesland zijn een initiatief van de Meetjesman, Regionale Jeugddienst Meetjesland ism het Agentschap voor Natuur & Bos, Pro Natura  en gemeentelijke en  provinciale overheden. 






This network of 5 bivouac areas in East Flanders’ region ‘Meetjesland’ is managed by different owners and supported by the Meetjesman, an inter-communal youth project. These bivouac areas are located in a green forest belt, easily connected within a day’s walking distance from each other. You can stay up to 16 hrs (1 night from 18 pm to 10 am) at the same bivouac area. Free stay. Reservation in advance necessary for Bivouac Kleit and Onderdale. Bivouac areas should not be confused with small campings, rules are different, comfort facilities limited or non-existent and you are held personally responsible to keep the area spotlessly clean and quiet during your short stay. Campfires not allowed. Toilets, hand water pumps (water non-potable, possibly out of order). Strictly forbidden for any motorized vehicle, access only on foot or by bike. Lots of waymarked walking and cycle trails in the area. Enjoy your short stay. Leave no trace, just your footsteps.