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Bivakzone GR 129 Disveld - Doomkerke (Ruiselede)




Bivakzone GR 129 Disveld is een bivakzone van de gemeente Ruiselede, gerealiseerd  in samenwerking met medewerkers van vzw Grote Routepaden. Voor wandelaars op het GR-pad 129 'Dwars door België'. Reservatie verplicht. 



This officially recognized bivouac zone in West-Flanders is owned by the township of Ruiselede. Accessible all year round. Exclusive access for walkers on the thru-hike trail GR 129 that runs 'Trans-Belgium' from Brugge to Arlon (over 500 km). Cyclists and car tourists not allowed. Reservation required in advance (compulsory, see mail contact below). Maximum 4 persons (= max 4 small trekking tents). You're on your GR129-hike during daytime, arrival in the evening, departure next morning. No tents during the day, you can stay for 1 night (free) and continue your thru hike in the morning. A bivouac zone should not be confused with a small camping, rules are different, comfort facilities limited and you are held personally responsible to keep the area spotlessly clean and quiet during your short stay. Strictly forbidden for any motorized vehicle, access only on foot as a part of your multi day GR 129 trek. Toilet available, potable water outside the church (street side). No campfire allowed but there is a barbecue area. Enjoy your one night stay. Leave no trace, just your footsteps.